I live in northeastern Utah. I'm around 800 miles from the nearest ocean. The main sport fish in my area is the Brook Trout. I've caught a bunch of them in my 53 years. They're plentiful and always...
Posts by Lloyd Bingham
Andrew Miller, Andrew Miller Studio © Gila Trout are extremely rare. Even in times pre European American civilization, they never were overly plentiful or widespread. They're even less so...
Brook Trout are actually Char. Chars are in the genus Salvelinus. On the other hand, Trout are in the genus Oncorhynchus. That was new information to me. A lot of my earliest fishing memories have...
In this article, you'll learn all about Apache Trout. You'll learn about their Characteristics, environmental challenges, recent history, and where you can fish for Apache Trout...
The Colorado River cutthroat trout is one of the four subspecies that an angler will need to catch and document to complete the slam. This article will tell you where to find Colorado River Cutthroat...
Ancient Lake Bonneville Bonneville Cutthroat Trout are what remains of the apex predator species that once swam in the waters of Lake Bonneville. Lake Bonneville has receded into nonexistence,...