Scientific name- "Lynx canadensis." The Canadian Lynx is sometimes also known as the Canada Lynx. They are medium-sized wild cats that live in the boreal forest regions of Canada and the northern...
Category: Predators
Comparing Alligators and Crocodiles Alligators and crocodiles are massive reptiles that look a lot alike. They ought to because they're close relatives. Even though they're from different...
Do Coyotes Hibernate? Coyotes do not hibernate in the wintertime. They make some physiological adjustments and employ different hunting techniques, but generally, they're just as active in the...
Do bears have good sense of smell? Yes, in fact, bears have one of the strongest senses of smell in the animal kingdom. In comparison, a blood hound's sense of smell is 300 times stronger than a...
Fatal mountain lion "Puma Concolor" attacks are extremely rare. In fact, there are only 20 records of fatal mountain lion attacks on humans in all of North America in the last 100 years. Don't let...
American black bears (Ursus americanus) are generally not an aggressive species of bear. They're omnivores, meaning their diet includes plant material and meat. At times, Black Bear's food sources...