According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, the state is home to seven wild cats. Six of these, the mountain lion, the bobcat, the ocelot, the jaguarundi, the jaguar, and the margay, are...
Category: Predators
There are 5 native wild cats in Arizona. They are the following. Mountain lions Bobcats Jaguars Ocelots Jaguarundis Mountain lions and bobcats are quite common in the...
Today grizzlies have been expatriated from 98% of their original habitat in the contiguous 48 states. However, there are still some remaining areas in the United States that have grizzly bears. To...
(Scientific name of the wolverine- gulo gulo) A wolverine looks somewhat like a miniature bear. Actually, though, wolverines are the largest member of the weasel family, which lives exclusively on...
The arctic fox (Vulpes Lagopus), also called snow fox, is a carnivore that belongs to the same family as wolves and domestic dogs. The animal lives in the arctic region hence the name Arctic fox. So...
Coyotes, wolves, and domestic dogs are all members of the Canidae family. It might be hard to decide what species of wild canid you're looking at in areas where coyote habitat overlaps with wolf...