"Callipepla Squamata" Scaled Quail, also known as Blue Quail or cotton-top quail, is a New World quail, which makes it a member of the Odontophoridae family. What Does Scaled Quail Look...
Category: Birds
The Montezuma Quail is a member of the Odontophoridae family, which includes all-new world quails. These birds are also called the Mearns quail in honor of Dr. Edgar A. Mearns. Dr. Mearns was an army...
What is a ptarmigan? Ptarmigan is pronounced (tar-mgn). It's the name for three species of grouse that live in the mountainous and arctic regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. These...
What are sage grouse? The sage grouse is the largest grouse in North America. There are two closely related but distinct species, the Greater Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and the...
Ring-Necked Pheasants are undoubtedly the most popular upland game birds in the United States. However, they aren't even native to North America. They're an introduced species from China. The...
The chukar partridge or chukar is an upland game bird that inhabits the high desert country of the western United States. These birds are actually imports to the North American Continent. They're...