Reports of coyote sightings are on the rise in Kentucky. According to the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources, coyotes are doing well in the bluegrass state. In fact, they are...
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As winter approaches, the birds fly south to warmer climates while bears and squirrels hunker down and hibernate through the cold weather. But, if that’s the case, why do you keep seeing squirrels...
Colorado has four different rattlesnake species. Rattlesnakes are the only snakes in Colorado that are dangerously venomous to humans. They are not the only venomous snakes in the state,...
The state of Kentucky has two native wild cats. These are the bobcat, (Lynx rufus) and the mountain lion, (Puma concolor). According to the Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources...
The state of Delaware has two native species of wild cats. These are the Mountain lion, (Puma concolor) and the bobcat, (Felis rufus). Mountain lions have been extirpated from the state for a long...
The bobcat is currently the state of Maryland's only wild cat species. Mountain lions are native to Maryland. However, even though the Maryland Department of Natural Resources receives reports of...